Feel The Fear.... And Do It Anyway
I know for a fact my fears have prevented me from doing things. When I look back on it, I wish I had simply thrown caution to the wind and done them. So often in my life I have been scared to do something or try something new for fear of failure or any number of other ridiculous reasons. I know have missed out on opportunities, lost out on jobs all because I let my fears get the better of me. I know I can’t go back and reclaim the things I have lost out on but I can stop my fears from causing me to lose out again in the future.
I am finding as I grow older and when I look back in retrospect, this has happened on more occasions that I care to admit to. This is probably because when we are younger we don’t really know fear. We don’t consider that we may fail or think about the consequences of our actions. In this regard I am envious of young people. Perhaps as adults we just need to try to find and embrace that fearlessness again.
Sometimes, as scary as it might be, you just have to leap before you look and see what’s down at the bottom when you land. As we have heard so often, there is no reward without risk. I know fear is an incredibly powerful thing and at times it can be paralyzing but perhaps if you are able to figure out how to flip it on its ear and use it to your advantage, the benefits can be life altering. I mean really, what’s the worst thing that can happen to you? Failure? Well you just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again.
Now I know these words are easy to say from behind a computer screen but I am also going to put my best foot forward and take a running leap and see where I land, with my photography, my business and life in general. So if you are so inclined to join me on this journey of conquering your fears, embrace it, feel it BUT don’t let it overpower you. It’s not easy nor is it going to be but who said anything would be easy? The real fear is NOT trying! Fear can be a paralyzer or a motivator, which one will it be for you?
Image courtesy of pinterest.com