Headshots - Photographing the Photographer

I don’t know about you or anyone else for that matter but I can tell you with absolute certainty, I cannot stand having my photo taken.
When you think about it, is this really an oddity among photographers? I am not too sure it would be. I would much rather be the one behind the camera pressing the shutter and giving direction. I’d rather not be the subject and take direction.
On the other hand, I would say it’s a necessary evil for photographers to have a great head shot. We are after all trying to sell ourselves and when all is said and done, we are sensory, visual beings. It would be nice for the people hiring us to be able to see who they’re hiring instead of some faceless photographer.
Don’t get me wrong, I do have a head shot on my website. It’s a very dramatically lit, artistic photograph. I like it very much however is it appropriate for me to promote my services with this type of photograph? Probably not! I do realize I need to update it sooner rather than later. I have agonized over this realization for some time now but have decided it’s time I man up or bite the proverbial bullet and just get it done and over with.
I will be attending a photography workshop next month and it just so happens there are a couple of photographers offering a “photograph the photographer” photo session and I have signed up for it. So look out for a new head shot of me sometime later next month.