Barbie Liss Episode

In the latest episode of the Empowerography Podcast, my guest is Barbie Liss. Barbie is a Maternal Empowerment Coach who honours the nurturing nature of Women, and the often resulting loss of Self. She works with Mothers to reclaim Self, so they can live with purpose and fulfillment through all stages and experiences of life. Barbie is also an advocator of restorative justice and for heart-led healing of all that is Human In this episode we discuss restorative justice, UN-teaching, maternal empowerment, the ripple effect, coaching and being an advocate.


Allow me to introduce myself.  I'm Barbie, a Maternal Empowerment Coach. 

I honour the nurturing nature of Women, and the often resulting loss of Self.  I work with Mothers to reclaim Self, so they can live with purpose and fulfillment through all stages and experiences of life.  I work with Mothers and Daughters to heal wounds so they can reclaim their sacred bond.  I am an advocator of restorative justice and for heart-led healing of all that is Human. I am passionate about sharing wisdom and filling the niche of the older generation that I see missing in our culture.  I am an UNteacher of damaging societal messages and a cultural shift maker.

I am a Mom to 3 grown children.  I have travelled the path of motherhood from typical to not at all typical experiences.  My story shifted and  forever altered following the rape of my daughter, when, in a instant, life changed.   Hers.  And mine. 

The journey of the Mom of a survivor is lonely and unguided.  Unseen on a path that doesn’t appear to be Yours, with focus rightfully placed on your child, this is a journey with no compass, in a space where nothing looks the same.

My daughter’s struggle to choose survival was my struggle to hold and ensure.  Her pain was my pain. My own dive into darkness taking second to the need to hold her up. 

My path required new creation; a creation I walked moment by moment.  In my mothering, in myself and in my views of society as a whole ~  I adapted, I altered, I changed. 

My daughter’s sexuala assault case was the first in North America to conclude with a restorative justice outcome.  Restorative Justice is founded on the belief of repair over punishment.  It is based on the knowing that a crime has a ripple effect.  It seeks to create transformation and offer healing for all who were impacted. Our ultimate 8 hour

RJ circle, brought absolute transformation and healing.

Today, I offer myself for support and guidance as an Empowerment Coach for Women, and as an advocate for societal healing and restorative justice. I am available for  1~1 coaching, women’s circle (virtual groups) coaching, speaking engagements, and annual Women’s retreats.

I have been featured in Forbes and the Great Canadian Woman, on Sirius XM, and more, and am passionate about sharing story, voice and advocacy leading to personal and cultural rising.

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Brad Walsh