Yervant and Anie - The Photography Symposium 2016
Brad Walshyervant, anie, symposium, 2016, photography, photographers, photographer, Joe Buissink, Michele Neal Celentano, Sue Bryce, learning, 2 days, information, overwhelming, knowledge, printing, Toronto, wealth, workshop, master class, stories, people, friends, achieve, clients, business, business owners, intimate, jam packed, emotional, passion, passionate
The Film Days - Moments Coming To Life
Brad Walshfilm, moments, coming to life, experience, learning curve, digital, photographer, photography, passion, passionate, lens, cameras, darkroom, chemicals, processing, process, thinking, planned, developer, developing, stop bath, fixer, communicate, create, creativity, vision, magic, craft, honing, photography class
Entrepreneurship - Do We All Have It In Us?
Brad Walshentrepreneur, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, business, business owners, DNA, learned, learning, learning curve, behaviour, realization, achieve, achievement, procrastination, procrastinating, owning, life, enjoy, living, live life, job, 9-5, nine to five, boring, passionate, success, succeed, joy, journey
Workshops - Learning, Sharing, Shooting
Brad Walshworkshop, Peter Hurley, sharing, shooting, learning, share, headshots, Profoto, commitment, time, factors, contributing, march, industry, photography, photographer, photographers, Toronto, teacher, patience
Applications, Submissions and Rejection
Brad Walshsubmissions, submit, applications, rejection, NO, magazine, magazines, rejected, disappointment, exhibit, work, accepted, artist, creating, creativity
Print Portfolios - How Important Are They?
Brad Walshprint, printing, photographs, photographers, images, important, import', portfolio, exciting, investment, importance, convenient, showing, displaying, physical images, tactile, touching
All In A Day's Shoot - The Anticipation
Brad Walshshoot, anticipation, excitement, creative, process, magic, creating images, camera, headspace, natural high, streets, ideas, idea, feeling, feelings, invoke, images
The Importance of Printing Your Work - Preserving Memories
Brad Walshmemories, printing, photography, photographs, photographers, important, importance, creations, creating, digital, paper, photo paper, excitment, coming to life, printed, necessity, necessary
Jumping To Conclusions - You Never Know Where You Will Land
Brad Walshjumping, conclusions, dismiss, people, never know where you will land, kindness, no cost, cost, pro bono, perceive, perception, help, linkedin, immediate, acquaintances
You Have But One Life - Make the Most Of It
Brad Walshone life, live, life, make the most of it, unhappy, happy, satisfaction, miserable, living, happiness
New Years Resolutions - Why Wait?
Brad Walshnew year, resolutions, wait, why wait, fresh, new beginnings, fresh beginnings, always, striving, better yourself, clean slate, serious, promises, promise
Spreading My Wings - Trying New Things
Brad Walshheadshots, photographers, photography, trying new things, comfort, comfort zone, education, urbex, genre, Peter Hurley, developing, new skills, skilled, personal projects, spreading my wings, style, practice, new journey, risk, scary, branching out, inspiration, inspired
Beauty and Editing Practices in Photography
Brad Walshbeauty, editing, images, photography, photographers, criticism, critiquing, messages, retouched, retouching, retouchers, beauty industry, magazines, publications, advertising, thin, pressure, perfection, models, females, males
Is Photography Real Anymore?
Brad Walshphotographer, photography, real, editing, composition, composite, composited images, photoshop, lightroom, adobe, acceptable, fake, filters, unacceptable, photographs
The Professional Headshot - The Importance of One!
Brad Walshheadshot, headshots, professional, importance, digital business card, entrepreneur, entrepreneurs, necessary, proper, linkedin, business owners, impression, impress, success, capture, elevator pitch, sound bites, camera, details, selling yourself
Giving Back To The Community - Everybody Wins
Brad Walshgiving back, community, sharing, caring, mentor, mentorship, helping, GTA, Toronto, Katia MIllar, passion, inspiration, encourage, encouragement, business, business owners, Positive Fabulous Women, entrepreneur, entrepreneurs
Body and Self Image - A Very Serious Issue
Brad Walshself issue, body, confidence, self image, different, difference, children, seriousness, serious, contribution, contributing, self doubt, negativity, isolation, talk, imagery, fat, ugly, dirty, yourself, beauty, inside
Headshots - Photographing the Photographer
Photographers - Stop Obsessing and Get Out There and Shoot
Am I a Professional - How Do I Know?